Let’s get your brand the attention and recognition it deserves.

With science, because that’s just how we roll.


Look, you’re brilliant.

(we hold these truths to be self evident)

A lack of brilliance isn’t why it feels like nobody knows who you are. It’s not why—despite all the effort you’ve put into branding, or marketing or that pretty new sales tactics—you’re not as ‘in-demand’ as you feel you should be. Your branding or marketing or sales tactics or brilliance aren’t the issue. Folks have never been less equipped to pay attention to you and your work. According to the data, folks now need an average of 31 touchpoints before they’re really willing to buy into anything. 31. And that’s not even the bad news. The bad news?

You’re currently taking at least a 33%* hit to your visibility, right now. Just because of who you are.

Imagine it. What would you do with 33% more time? Energy. Money?

TL;DR what if everything you were doing to draw attention to your work actually... worked?

It’s no longer enough for your branding, marketing, sales—even your brilliance—to be perfectly executed. Because most branding, strategy and marketing doesn’t account for this HUGE tax on your time, energy and money. They’re not focused on equipping people to pay attention, to you.

How on earth do we do that?

"She's a premier thought leader in brand. I don't know anyone else doing what she's doing."

-LeighAnn Heil

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How do we equip people to buy, support, care?

Simple. We calculate exactly what will take you from being in sight to *being seen* (with science of course). Then we blueprint your next best step.


Enter The Visibility Clinics

(The blueprint to your next visibility level)

It is really very simple.

If you want more impact (and income) you can’t afford to be overlooked. If you want to be impossible to ignore you need a brand that people:

  1. Connect to

  2. Notice

  3. and Commit to

The Visiblity Clinics are designed to measure and tackle each of these and to advise you on your next best step.

If you’re not happy with your impact, income or influence, let’s uncover the source together and figure out your best bet for moving the needle.


“We got instant credibility in the marketplace after working with Chloé. And now, less than a year after our time with her, our products are being distributed nationally and we’re being endorsed by some very big deal people.”

-Stefan Freeman

“Details now please?”
We thought you’d never ask :)

You’ll learn:
  • How to get many more people to connect to, notice and commit to what you do
  • Your current visibility phase
  • What your visiblity phase and levels means about what you should focus on
  • And where to start next when it comes to your most critical visibility refinements/ what to do about it
You’ll get:
  • 3 immediately implementable workshops, with 9 of your most interesting peers.
  • A blueprint to your next visiblity phase
  • Access to the Clinic session replays
  • And even more goodies if you show up live!
Next clinic?
  • Session 1: Your Visibility Levels and How to get many more people bought into what you're doing
    TBD @ 12:30pm-1:30pm EST
  • Session 2: How to turn up your Visibility Impact/levels
    TBD @ 12:30pm-1:30pm EST
  • Session 3: Your Blueprint
    TBD @ 12:30-1:30pm EST



Cash Investment:

Right, but who the heck are you?


Oh hey!

I’m N. Chloé, a brand scientist and digital diplomacy (actual diplomacy!) advisor. I’ve advised everyone from small island nations and the first refugee delegation to the UN to small, black owned mom and pop shops. And all of them were socially innovative brands ready to give the status quo a good shove. That mom and pop shop? Brad Pitt’s now a fan. That small island nation? The coalition of countries they formed just got kudos from President Obama at the COP26 conference. Can I promise these results? No. But I can promise that the same methods I developed as an international conflict mediator–the very same methods I used with these clients–are what I will bring to bear in our engagement. 


What’s Brand Science?

Great question! It's a little bit psychology, a little bit behavioral science, a little bit sociology. It takes a systematic understanding of human behavior, adds an equity lens and asks, “how do we turn brands into living legacies?”

But more concretely, it’s the study of the sensory and cognitive experiences (feelings, reactions, and ideas) one has when interacting with a brand and the influence those experiences have on the behavior of others.

How do I know this is for me?

Well, if any of the following are true…

  1. You’ve sworn to yourself this is the last time you’ll sign up to attend a conference you should have been invited to speak at

  2. You have a non dominant social identity (AFAB [assigned female at birth], POC, queer, etc)

  3. Instead of pushing towards your vision for the world, you’re spending more time fielding Friday morning to do list emails from your project/business manager (and while you love your manager you know they’re not going to call you out for sticking to your comfort zone, wading through daily minutiae)

  4. You’ve decided now is the time to give your body of work the best possible chance

  5. Your movement is in the grassroots stage

  6. When you’re given permission to acknowledge your past wins (go ahead!) you see there’s momentum to leverage

  7. Your vision is clear and somewhat established

  8. You’re getting far more nos than yesses. Maybe it's the pitches for that summit you're planning, maybe it's podcasts you’re looking to guest star on. 

  9. You're talking to an audience of thousands and now you're ready for that to be millions.

  10. Your unwavering commitment doesn't necessarily come from discipline. It comes from devotion to your vision–regardless of the situation around you. 

  11. You recognize the value of a partner who will call you on your ish–in love.

  12. You’ve tried all the marketing techniques and just can’t seem to get more traction


If you’ve dedicated more than 3 pages of your notebook to this, it’s time for some support.

Let me help you to understand why you’re not where you want to be (yet) and what you can do about it.

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