Option 01: For the one who's tried it all
the 1 day intensive
Your ideas should be shaping the future.
And it’s a(n actual, historical) crime they aren’t, yet.
Emphasis on the yet.
Here’s the thing: that ‘yet’ hits real different if it feels like you’ve already tried everything.
And you have.
You’ve done the whole branding thing, and your ish looks good if you do say so yourself.
If you don’t spend your day on the social media hamster wheel cursing Tik tok and the IG algorithim (thank heaven for LinkedIn though), that’s only because you’re trying to understand why your work isn’t flying off the shelves.
(that and your marketing assistant is an actual saint).
And yes you’ve been published in Publications with a capital ‘P.’
So why does it feel like you’re pouring all your blood, sweat and $$$ into a void from which there is no escape?
What do you do when you’re not getting the ROI your efforts and work frankly deserve?
You turn to Behavioral Science. That’s what.
designed with intelligence.
This is designed to accelerate your current goals and to equip you to break free of your very specific impact plateau.
It's imperative that your brand be engineered to succed. So, let's stop pretending business as usual will ensure you're well resourced enough to save (your corner of) the world. Instead, let's integrate the science of social change into your decisions around how you show up.
It's hard to get lost with a map. So let's get you one of those. And document it. Thoroughly.
Because you need your stakeholders taking action NOW. Not on an agency’s 6 month timeline. Not after weeks of back and forth with contractors. Right now.
what’s included
click the titles for more details
+ A VisibilityOS™ Diagnostic
Using a tool called The Impact Dial™ we'll evaluate your brand's impact along 3 proprietary criteria.
+ A Behavioral Diagnosis
This is the key to the magic. This comprehensive step by step diagnosis of stakeholder behavior positions us to address the core issue at play: your cognitive reach and the logistical and psychological hurdles and opportunites preventing these stakeholder from acting.
+ Your 90 day action plan
To ensure you and every member of your team is positioned to translate our work together into actual actions, we'll meticulously document a flexible 90 day plan. It will include prioritized inititives, a roadmap and a strategic breakdown of your next best steps.
how it works
We'll get clear on where you're trying to go, how your VisibilityOS™ is doing and what your goals are as far as your revenue, representation and recognition are concerned. This is your opportunity to download your vision to us.
Together, we'll do a behavioral analaysis of the top 3 most important stakeholders to your organization as far as your goals are concerned. By the end of this process you'll have a behavior map that details all of the behavioral hurdles and opportunites we'll want to address in order to strategically mobilize these stakeholders.
Together, we'll translate your goals, VisibilityOS™ diagnostic and behavioral diagnosis into a 90 day action plan with clear steps and initiatives to tackle and focus on for the next 90 days. And yes, we definitely encourage you to hand the plan off to your team.